Dutch Miller Nissan

May 20, 2022

Many Nissan owners rely on their Nissan dealer to let them know when their vehicle is developing problems. If your vehicle needs radiator repair, you may not want to wait until your next service visit to find out. Here are some key indicators to look for before booking your next service stop in Bristol, TN.

Your Engine Begins Running Hot

If everything is working correctly, your engine temperature should remain consistent during operation. If you notice that your temperature gauge gradually moves to hot, that’s the first sign of trouble. The change could happen during one trip or over several days, depending on the cause and extent of the problem.

If your engine’s low coolant indicator lights up, then your Nissan is telling you you’re losing coolant. Don’t wait for the gauge to read hot before taking action. Take a look under the vehicle and the hood for the following signs of trouble.

Coolant Fluid on the Ground

Radiator fluid on the ground under your vehicle is the surest sign that you have a coolant leak somewhere. Park your Nissan on a hard, clean surface after a drive. After waiting 30 minutes, move your vehicle and check the surface where you parked it for leaks. If you see coolant-colored liquid on the ground, you have a leak.

Engine Compartment is Wet

If you see fluid on the ground, look under the hood for signs of liquid, staining, or rust. The leak may not be coming from the radiator. It could be coming from the radiator hose, water pump, or the engine block itself. Your engine compartment should be bone dry, so signs of moisture confirm a leak and the need for a repair.

Low Coolant Level

Once you’ve verified a leak, you’ll need to see how much fluid you’ve lost. Low coolant levels in your radiator will further confirm that the liquid on the ground is radiator fluid. With the engine cool, check your coolant levels. If you see no visible coolant in your radiator, you’ll need to replace it before driving to your nearest service center.

In some situations, you may not see any fluid on the ground. However, if your engine consistently runs hot after several radiator refills, your leak may be an internal one.

Get Help from Your Local Bristol, TN, Nissan Dealer

An internal leak means that coolant leaks past a seal in your engine or a crack in your block. The coolant will either end up getting mixed with your engine oil or going out through your exhaust. If you have little automotive experience, it is better to get this checked at your local Nissan Service Center.

The most important thing to remember is not to ignore a suspected internal leak. Coolant in your engine will destroy it over time, skyrocketing your repair costs.

If you’re in the area, bring your troubled Nissan to Dutch Miller Nissan. Our expert technicians will pinpoint the problem and repair it using only genuine Nissan parts.

Photo by Sergey Meshkov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-fixing-a-car-8478206/